Arkansas Strong Wed, 26 Mar 2025 01:02:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Arkansas Strong 32 32 178261342 School Breakfast for All: An Arkansas No Kid Hungry Success Story Tue, 25 Mar 2025 23:56:17 +0000 With her signature, Governor Sanders made Arkansas the first Southern state and first conservative-led state to pass universal free school meal legislation. This is a game-changer for a state ranked by the USDA as the hungriest in the U.S. Ensuring every student has a nutritious breakfast will have a significant impact on students’ health and academic success. Here’s how we became a part of Arkansas’s school breakfast miracle.

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Editor’s Note: March is celebrated nationally as Women’s History Month. Here in Arkansas, we also recognize March as School Breakfast Month. If you’re familiar with Arkansas School Breakfast Month, it’s likely because of the diligent work of a handful of women who have championed the importance of school breakfast for fifteen years. Thanks to their persistence and patience, next year students in Arkansas schools will have access to free breakfast. The importance of this one small meal cannot be overstated, and it will take another decade to fully appreciate how all of Arkansas will benefit. Thanks, ladies!

The best news for Arkansas this year? Free breakfast for all students. This School Breakfast for All story spans fifteen years and three governors—some wins are worth the wait. 

by Patty Barker, No Kid Hungry Campaign Director
Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance

The Historic Milestone: Senate Bill 59

With her signature, Governor Sanders made Arkansas the first Southern state and first conservative-led state to pass universal free school meal legislation. This is a game-changer for a state ranked by the USDA as the hungriest in the U.S. Ensuring every student has a nutritious breakfast will have a significant impact on students’ health and academic success. Here’s how we became part of Arkansas’s school breakfast miracle.

On February 20, 2025, Governor Sarah Sanders signed into law Senate Bill 59, which will make school breakfast available free of charge to all 470,000-plus public school students in Arkansas, regardless of their family’s income level, beginning in the 2025/26 school year. The bill, sponsored by Senators Jonathan Dismang-R and Clarke Tucker-D, and Representatives Zach Gramlick-R, Tippi McCullough-D, and DeAnn Vaught-R, plus 83 more bipartisan members of the Arkansas Senate and House as co-sponsors, was passed with near-unanimous favorable votes in both houses.

The Beginning: Governor Beebe

In 2010, then-Governor Mike Beebe was asked by Share Our Strength, a national hunger relief nonprofit, to make Arkansas a “proof of concept” state for their No Kid Hungry Campaign, offering funding and technical support to develop a locally-led, five-year campaign to end childhood hunger in Arkansas.

Without hesitation, Governor Beebe agreed. He returned home, called together his cabinet-level leaders overseeing child nutrition programming, along with key child health and education advocates. He reminded them that Arkansas was ranked #1 in childhood hunger and declared the Arkansas No Kid Hungry Campaign a top administrative priority. You could hear a pin drop in the Governor’s conference room when he finished his pronouncement.

Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe and his wife Ginger provided much needed support as No Kid Hungry kicked off in Arkansas.

Building the Foundation: No Kid Hungry Arkansas

With significant support from Share Our Strength, the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance was tapped as lead partner in Arkansas. The goals were clear: increase participation in school breakfast, expand access to afterschool and summer meals, and support families with nutrition education and SNAP access.

Research showed that students who ate a healthy school breakfast had improved attendance, fewer trips to the school nurse, and better concentration and behavior in the classroom. Yet, in 2010, only about half of Arkansas students who ate a free or reduced-price school lunch also ate breakfast. Barriers included social stigma, busy schedules, long cafeteria lines, and kids wanting to play or socialize before school.

The Solution: Breakfast After the Bell

The answer was Breakfast After the Bell (BAB)—serving breakfast as part of the school day through programs like Breakfast in the Classroom, Second Chance Breakfast, and Grab-and-Go. The Arkansas No Kid Hungry Breakfast team, led by Vivian Nicholson, a former child nutrition director, and a handful of breakfast advocates, including former school superintendents and teachers, set off across the state to persuade school districts to adopt BAB programs.

By 2022, breakfast participation had increased by 7.3 million meals—a 27% rise—thanks primarily to BAB programs. The results of implementing BAB programs spoke for themselves: improved student attention, fewer nurse visits, better attendance, and increased federal meal reimbursements. The campaign successfully achieved its goal: 70% of eligible students who ate lunch also began eating breakfast.  

Legislative Wins: Governor Hutchinson

Legislative efforts further supported school breakfast advocacy. In the 2013 and 2015 legislative sessions, the Alliance partnered with several legislators and the Department of Education to establish the Arkansas Meals for Achievement program, which designated funds for grants to support BAB programs in schools that agreed to provide universal free breakfast to all students. Although the program was discontinued, increased meal participation rates were reported and the groundwork was laid for future proposals.

Governor Hutchinson attended Alliance events, toured schools, and encouraged eligible schools to participate in CEP.

In 2015,  with support from Governor Asa Hutchinson, the Alliance worked with the Department of Education to suggest changes to regulations that governed state funding for school districts, paving the way for districts to adopt the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), a new USDA meal option which allowed eligible high-need districts to offer universal free school breakfast and lunch to all students, regardless of their family income levels. Since the revision, over 75% of eligible Arkansas schools are participating in CEP.

The Pandemic: Challenges and Silver Linings

By 2019, Arkansas ranked fifth in school breakfast participation in the U.S. But in spring 2020, COVID-19 closed schools, and for the next two school years, the pandemic produced many serious challenges for schools and students. Regarding school nutrition, however, there were a few silver linings.

Child nutrition teams across the state stepped up to the challenge and developed innovative ways to serve nutritious meals to their students. In addition to permitting meal delivery flexibilities during the 2020/21 and 2021/22 school years, USDA allowed all students to receive free school meals, providing essentially a two-year universal free school meal pilot program to all school districts in all states.

During the pandemic, school meal participation increased significantly, and food insecurity rates dropped. However, Congress discontinued universal free meals after the pandemic. As a result, schools had to return to pre-pandemic policies, requiring students to meet income qualifications for free meals once again.

Several states took matters into their own hands and passed legislation to require school districts to continue to provide universal free school meals to all their students, but most states, like Arkansas, did not.

A Step Forward: Eliminating Reduced-Price Copays

Many families in Arkansas, where over 64% of students qualify for free or reduced-price school meals, were hard-pressed to come up with the funds for either the reduced-price meal copay or the full price of a school meal every day. Families that had grown used to the universal free meal policy during the two full school years of the pandemic did not understand why they again had to pay for meals. With schools required by law to provide a meal to any student asking for one, meal debt balances began to reach record levels—in the tens and hundreds of thousands in larger school districts in Arkansas—and meal participation rates dropped below pre-pandemic levels.

In 2023, to address these issues, the Alliance  team worked with Senators Jonathan Dismang and Clarke Tucker to draft legislation requiring the state to cover the cost of the reduced-price meal copay that was charged to the approximately 49,000 students in that school meal income category. Senator Dismang introduced bills requiring the state to cover the cost of reduced-price meal copays, making meals free for 49,000 students starting in the 2023/2024 school year. Senator Dismang used current funding resources, underscoring the need to address student hunger in a state where two-thirds of students qualify for free or reduced-price meals. The bills, eventually Acts 656 and 657, passed unanimously in both the Senate and House. Over 55,000 students qualified for those free meals last school year.

A Defining Moment: Governor Sanders

Despite the success of the reduced-price meal measure, Arkansas still was not reaching many of the hungriest students who needed a nutritious start to the school day. And again, in the fall of 2023, USDA released its annual food insecurity report listing Arkansas as the hungriest state in the U.S. 

With that report in hand, then-Alliance CEO Kathy Webb and I requested a meeting with Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders to highlight several legislative and administrative proposals that could, if implemented, help reduce food insecurity in Arkansas. Governor Sanders, who had already stated her interest in tackling childhood hunger, was receptive and agreed that hungry kids struggle to learn and that they need access to nutritious meals every day.

Governor Sanders supported Arkansas’ participation in Summer EBT and volunteered with her family to help distribution.

Governor Sanders directed the state departments of Human Services and Education to adopt USDA’s newly approved summer nutrition program, Summer EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer), to supplement students’ nutrition needs while school is out. Arkansas was the only Southern, conservative-led state to adopt the program in its inaugural year. According to the governor, over 260,000 Arkansas students received Summer EBT benefits in 2024.

Summer EBT and non-congregate meal programs have been a game-changer for reducing summer hunger and learning loss in rural states. Arkansas Senator John Boozman had long-advocated for non-congregate meals, which allows summer meals to be offered by schools and organizations in flexible ways—multi-meal pick-up, delivery to parks and playgrounds, and even home delivery— in qualifying rural communities.

A Dream Realized: Universal Free Breakfast

After 14 years with universal breakfast as a dream goal of the Arkansas No Kid Hungry Campaign, 2025 marked a historic milestone. Hunger relief champions—Senators Jonathan Dismang and Clarke Tucker, along with Representatives Zack Gramlich, Tippi McCullough, DeAnn Vaught, and 83 additional co-sponsors—introduced Senate Bill 59. This bill will provide universal free school breakfast to every public school student in Arkansas, over 474,000 children, beginning in the 2025/2026 school year.

Through years of collaboration with legislators, state agencies, and school districts, school breakfast champions Patty Barker, Kathy Webb, and Vivian Nicholson helped pave the way for the passage of Senate Bill 59, ensuring free school breakfast for Arkansas school students. 

Governor Sanders announced her support for the measure in her State of the State address on January 14, 2025, prioritizing funding from medical marijuana sales and privilege tax revenue, now collected in a Food Insecurity Fund. This fund will cover the costs of hunger relief programs, including Summer EBT, reduced-price meal copayments, and universal free school breakfast. The measure, now Act 123, passed with near-unanimous bipartisan support in both the Arkansas Senate and House.

Those 474,000 Arkansas kids join us in saying, “Thank you! It was well worth the wait!”

The Alliance thanks Governor Sarah Sanders for prioritizing solutions to childhood hunger in Arkansas, the legislative champions who helped us create lasting policy change for the good, and our steadfast No Kid Hungry partners at Share Our Strength, and our many No Kid Hungry stakeholders who have worked with the Alliance to help move the needle toward food security for all Arkansas families. Working together, continued solutions to hunger can be achieved, ensuring that all Arkansas children have access to the nutritious meals they need to thrive.

Patty joined the staff of the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance in September of 2012 to serve as the Campaign Director for the Arkansas No Kid Hungry Campaign.  The Campaign is a unique partnership among the Arkansas Governor’s Office, state agencies, hunger relief agencies and nutrition advocates all working together to alleviate childhood hunger in Arkansas by improving access to nutrition programs and educating families about healthy, affordable food choices. She previously served as the Policy Director for the Arkansas Public Policy Panel, supporting a state-wide citizens’ coalition advocating for improved education, environmental and economic policy.  Patty earned her J.D. from the University of Arkansas School of Law and her B. A. from Southwestern at Memphis (now Rhodes College).   

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Discovering Miss America: My Mom and the magic of VHS Tue, 18 Mar 2025 18:09:43 +0000 In the early 2000s, while she worked, my grandparents would pop in whatever VHS tape was handy. My grandparents are extremely proud of their two daughters, so more often than not, the VHS tape they would choose was a recording of either my mom dancing or my aunt singing. My favorite, the one I begged them to play almost every time, was a recording of my mom competing in Miss Arkansas 1992.

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One of my earliest memories is sitting cross-legged on my grandparents’ living room floor, eyes glued to the TV, watching my mom. 

In the early 2000s, while she worked, my grandparents would pop in whatever VHS tape was handy. My grandparents are extremely proud of their two daughters, so more often than not, the VHS tape they would choose was a recording of either my mom dancing or my aunt singing. My favorite, the one I begged them to play almost every time, was a recording of my mom competing in Miss Arkansas 1992. I vividly remember her walking down a big set of stairs in white beaded gown and twirling her cape to thunderous applause when she tap danced to “William Tell Overture.” 

To my four-year-old self, she was Miss America. 

I may not have seen her perform on stage in real time, but I saw the way people looked at her in the grocery store when she flashed her Julia Roberts smile. I saw the way people naturally turned to her for answers, her confidence filling a room. She wasn’t just reacting to the world—she was shaping it.

When I started to grow up, I was always frustrated that I didn’t have those qualities. I never felt like I had any of the right answers, and I was too shy to even give them if I did have them! I didn’t glide into a room. I looked at the floor when I walked. 

I told her one day, “Mom, I want to be like you. I’m not exactly sure what you do or how you do it, but you’re magic.” She laughed (which, to be honest, miffed me a little). Stroking my hair, she said, “I learned it, honey. And so can you.”

When I started learning about the Miss America Organization, I realized a couple of key things:

  1. My mom was not actually Miss America in the ’90s, despite what I had confidently told my elementary school friends (oops).
  2. However, competing in the Miss America Organization allowed her to earn over $44,000 in scholarships, covering both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education and making her the most educated person in my family. 
  3. That kind of “magic” takes a whole lot of hard work.

Miss America is the nation’s largest provider of scholarships for young women—a mission that dates back to the 1940s, when Lenora Slaughter became the first woman to direct the pageant. She saw Miss America as more than just a crown; it was a launching pad for women’s education, a way to open doors that had been closed to them for generations.

Today, competitors are judged in five categories:

  • Private Interview – a deep dive into our personal service initiatives, current events, and future ambitions.
  • Talent – a chance to showcase a skill we’ve honed for years.
  • Evening Gown – not just about the dress, but about grace and presence.
  • Health & Fitness – previously swimsuit, now an activewear segment in partnership with the American Heart Association.
  • On-Stage Question – answering tough questions under pressure in front of a live audience.

It was one thing to watch my mom on a VHS tape. It was another to step onto the stage myself.

Chasing Dreams (and Scholarships)

It sounds nerdy, but I always knew I wanted to be in school forever. My first dream was to be a librarian—not because of a deep love for cataloging books, but because I thought it meant I could read Percy Jackson all day without getting in trouble like I did in math class.

In high school, my focus shifted. I became interested in policy—how it shaped people’s lives, especially in rural Arkansas. My grandparents had to drive two hours just to see a doctor. I saw classmates struggle with financial insecurity. I started asking questions about the world around me, and the answers often frustrated me.

College was my chance to learn more, to figure out how I could help fix these problems. But when I started looking at tuition costs, I realized something: without scholarships, this dream wasn’t feasible for my family. Like so many others, the 2008 recession had changed our financial reality.

Miss America became my path forward—the key to unlocking both of my biggest goals:

  1. A debt-free education.
  2. A little bit of that magic I had admired in my mom.

Becoming Someone New

Competing in Miss Arkansas wasn’t just about winning life-changing scholarships–it transformed me.

Over the past eight years, I’ve grown into someone my younger self wouldn’t even recognize. I went from avoiding eye contact in a room to running a nonprofit.

Through the Miss America Organization, I founded Unite to Fight Poverty, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit tackling poverty in eight states across the country. The skills I needed to lead it—fundraising, relationship-building, public speaking—were all sharpened through my years in competition. When I stand on stage for an interview or an on-stage question, I draw from thousands of hours of practice, speeches, and appearances.

It’s funny—when I first stepped on stage, I thought I was learning how to compete. In reality, I was learning how to lead.

I don’t know if my four-year-old self would recognize me today. I don’t know if I glide into a room, but I definitely don’t stare at the floor anymore. I don’t always have the right answers, but I have the confidence to communicate and the experience to back it up.

More than anything, I think my younger self would be proud.

When I was nine, I wrote a list of my hopes and dreams and framed it. At the top, in my loopy kid handwriting, I wrote: “Get a college degree and the degree that comes after that for free like Mommy.”

That dream came true. I graduated debt-free, and I’m now pursuing a career that not only gives me financial freedom but allows me to create real change in the world.

That kind of economic security—access to education, to opportunity—is something I never thought I’d have. It’s something thousands of young women still don’t have. But thanks to Miss America, it’s something I can now help others find.

And that? That’s real magic.

Ciara founded the nonprofit Unite to Fight Poverty in 2021 after experiencing financial insecurity and seeing it reflected in her community. She is a Masters of Business Administration Candidate at Arkansas State University, and graduated summa cum laude from the University of Alabama with a degree in Political Science and International Studies. Ciara is also an aspiring writer. She’s published essays about identity, power, fashion, guaranteed income, and the wage gap in publications like Her Campus Media, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, and Unpublished Magazine. Follow Ciara on Facebook and Instagram. Keep up with Unite to Fight Poverty on Instagram.

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The Golden Champ, a Friendship Story Mon, 17 Mar 2025 21:35:30 +0000 It was in February of 2009 when my friend Amy shared with us, a group of longtime friends, the dreadful news. She needed a new kidney. “Well, it’s certainly not what I wanted to hear,” Amy  sighed. The silence was profound. Amy’s words faded, and the silence grew deafening. We all spoke at once

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When I shared my spare, I didn’t think about having to say goodbye.

It was in February of 2009 when my friend Amy shared with us, a group of longtime friends, the dreadful news. She needed a new kidney. “Well, it’s certainly not what I wanted to hear,” Amy  sighed. The silence was profound. Amy’s words faded, and the silence grew deafening.

Seated left to right: Lynne Clifton, Rose Merry Kirkpatrick, Suzanne Selby, and Amy. Standing left to right: Deb Sallings, Cathy May and Beth Butler.

We all spoke at once.

When does this have to happen?” 

“Are they sure?” 

Oh no, this is awful!”

 “How can we help you?”  

Amy was no stranger to health challenges following her diagnosis of a rare inherited condition called von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, or VHL. This genetic disorder raises the risk of developing specific types of tumors and cysts.

A tumor was growing on one of her kidneys, and the entire kidney had to go. Over time, the other kidney developed a tumor, too, and was operating at a mere 20% functionality.

In life, it’s essential to have good friends, and this wonderful group of eight women have been close for decades. We supported each other through cancer, the death of a spouse, the loss of one of our members, and a myriad of other ups and downs. Through it all, we leaned on one another. We lightened our burdens. We shared our joys.

The evening we learned of Amy’s fate, I couldn’t stop thinking about her.  I felt a strong desire to do something. I didn’t know exactly what, but… something

That night, I went home to research living kidney donors. I wanted all the details—the good, the bad, and the ugly—so I could make an informed decision about whether I would “share my spare.”

A few days into my knowledge gathering, I decided to talk to my husband about it. He was taken aback and immediately urged me not to do it. His reaction came from concern for my safety and long-term health. As we sat together and I shared what I learned, I could see him relax, but only slightly.

Once I had committed myself to donating my kidney, I told Amy and her husband, “I want to be tested to be your donor.” 

At first, Amy was afraid to believe it. A family member had agreed to be tested but then changed their mind at the last minute, leaving Amy feeling sad and betrayed. She worried I might change my mind, too, but I kept reassuring her of my commitment. In my heart, I knew without a doubt it was meant to be and I was confident I would be confirmed a match. 

And I was!

While the transplant process began in February 2009, the actual procedure didn’t occur until August 16, 2012, at Emory University in Atlanta. Shortly after the transplant, Amy learned the “Golden Champ,” as she called her “new” kidney, started working the moment it was placed in and connected. She wanted a name worthy of her gift, referring to her new kidney as a friend.

My organ now belonged to Amy, leaving a void inside me where it once was, but I felt no different without it! This just further confirmed it was meant to be. Years passed, and Amy’s health remained as stable as possible with a rare disease. The Golden Champ was living up to her name!

Early last year, another health crisis reared a very ugly head for Amy. She was diagnosed yet again with another rare affliction, a super-aggressive lung cancer. Amy wasn’t a smoker and was devastated to face another major hiccup in her health. Doctors shared that she would not be a candidate for chemo because of her fragility, and there were little to no other options to stave off this killer. Her exact words were, “F- this rare shit!” I heartily agreed.

Over the following months, our group of longtime friends visited Amy frequently, bringing her favorite foods and dark chocolate treats. Sometimes, we simply sat with her in comforting silence. As her death drew near, we made a point to gather at Amy’s to toast her and reminisce about our friendship. We came together to laugh and remember when we were so silly after indulging in good wine and good food. What a gift it is to have such dear friendships! 

Experiencing a small piece of me dying along with Amy was unsettling, a feeling I had not been prepared for. You know, it’s funny, researching living donors, I rarely found anything that touched on what you might experience if, when your recipient dies.

Initially, I kept my emotions to myself. It felt so selfish of me to mourn the Golden Champ dying alongside my dear friend. After all, it was my gift to her! However, as Amy’s death approached, I became increasingly emotional. I felt angry at myself for even thinking about that kidney, which was no longer mine and hadn’t been for over twelve years. 

How odd it felt! It was difficult to express my feelings; it all seemed surreal and foreign. Loved ones and friends comforted me and gently reminded me that the gift of the Golden Champ lengthened Amy’s life by twelve years. Twelve years full of life and love and friendship. Once again, our circle of friends gave me the solace I needed.

Cathy May is the Director of SNAP Programs & WIC outreach with the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance. Her work brings her in touch with underserved populations eligible for SNAP benefits but may not be currently enrolled. Her job role also includes training agencies and volunteers to help eligible individuals apply for SNAP benefits and monitor federal legislation that impacts SNAP as well as WIC. Her formal background is in Data Analysis but helping others has always been a priority. She and her husband have 10 acres atop Wye Mountain.

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Black History in Motion: Profound Lessons of Love from First Missionary Baptist Church Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:10:08 +0000 Amid the towering Blue Cross Blue Shield, Regions, and Simmons Bank buildings that stretch across downtown Little Rock, stands a building on South Gaines Street whose history and significance far surpass the multi-story structures surrounding it—First Missionary Baptist Church.

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“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.

Amid the towering Blue Cross Blue Shield, Regions, and Simmons Bank buildings that stretch across downtown Little Rock, stands a building on South Gaines Street whose history and significance far surpass the multi-story structures surrounding it—First Missionary Baptist Church. To those unfamiliar, passing by this Gothic Revival-style church, with its colorful mosaic windows next to the brick-layered J.P. Robinson Education and Fellowship Hall, might not prompt much reflection. However, upon closer inspection, the church reveals itself to be a vibrant kaleidoscope of Black American history, filled with hope, triumph, and resilience. This energy fuels the nearly 180-year-old community of worshippers, making it one of the oldest Black churches in Arkansas.

First Missionary Baptist Church at 7th and Gaines streets in downtown Little Rock celebrates 180 years. Photograph by Ebony Blevins.

The church’s roots trace back to 1845, two decades before the passage of the 13th Amendment, thanks to its founder, Reverend Wilson Brown, a self-taught former slave-minister. Driven by a deep desire to spread the teachings of the Bible to both free Blacks and enslaved people in the area, Reverend Brown boldly approached his enslaver, Major Fields, a Baptist minister, with the idea of establishing what they would call the First Negro Baptist Church. At a time when lynchings, brutal beatings, and inhumane treatment were commonplace, it took immense courage for a slave to challenge a slave owner, even one with the title of “minister.” This act of bravery laid the foundation for the church’s ethos of justice and courage, which has guided it for nearly a century and a half.

Even without a physical structure, worshippers gathered in various locations until May 2, 1847, when they began meeting regularly at a brush arbor at the corner of Tenth and Spring Streets in Little Rock. The brush arbor remained their meeting site until the church’s permanent building was erected on land donated by Chester Ashley in 1882. This provided a lasting home for the congregation, a testament to the enduring principles of justice established by Reverend Brown during his initial conversations with Major Fields—well before the abolition of slavery and his eventual 25-year tenure with the church.

The ethos that Reverend Brown established continued to evolve through each succeeding leader of the church and the efforts to grow its congregation. Reverend Reuben White, who followed Brown, expanded the ministry by founding Mount Pleasant—another church birthed out of First Missionary in Little Rock—and also served as a member of the Arkansas Legislature. The next leader, Reverend J.P. Robinson, who served for 50 years, transformed First Missionary into a church dedicated to service, organizing foreign missionary trips, and establishing what became the largest Sunday School in Little Rock at the time. Under his leadership, the church grew into one of the city’s first Black megachurches in the post-WWII era.

The original pulpit and pews have witnessed nearly 180 years of sermons, struggles, and triumphs, standing as symbols of unwavering faith and community resilience. Each element within the church tells a story of a legacy built on justice, love, and spiritual perseverance, carrying forward the mission laid out by Reverend Wilson Brown in 1845.

The fifth reverend, Reverend Roland Smith, succeeded Reverend E.C. Dyer, and saw the church as a platform for change during a tumultuous period in Little Rock’s history. The church became an anchor for the African American community in the wake of the 1957 Central High School integration crisis, as national demands for equal rights intensified. Reverend Smith, who had close ties to civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was also deeply involved in Little Rock’s political landscape. He eventually became the only African American leader to address the Arkansas Legislature about the horrors of segregation. Each reverend contributed to advancing the church’s vision, adding a crucial piece to the mosaic that represented the church’s spirit.

Under Reverend Smith’s leadership, the church became a beacon for civil rights in Little Rock, drawing the attention of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. In the wake of his incarceration in Birmingham, King wrote his famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” and was inspired by the church’s commitment to the cause. As a result, King agreed to speak at First Missionary’s 118th anniversary on April 28, 1963. The news of King’s visit stirred the same hostile sentiments that had fueled the abuse of Elizabeth Eckford during the Little Rock Nine protests, and threats of violence quickly surfaced. Despite these threats, the Little Rock police refused to provide protection.

In the face of these challenges, the church took matters into their own hands. The men of the church provided security for King during his visit, while the women offered him food and laundry services, creating a nurturing environment of love, protection, and service. These acts of solidarity became a testament to the strength of the church and the power of community. When King delivered his speech, over 600 people gathered, spilling out of the church and into the streets. His message ignited a wave of hope and action, not just in the church, but throughout the city.

Renee Hubbard, church trustee and lifelong member. Photograph by Ebony Blevins.

“It shined a light on everything we needed to be concerned about—how we could be catalysts in the church for what could be corrected… for us to be involved in the civil rights movement,” says Renee Hubbard, the current trustee of the church, reflecting on witnessing King’s speech at the age of 13. Hubbard, now 74, is a lifelong member with an established familial legacy in the church. “Every time I think about it, I get goosebumps, like I’m there again.” Just four months later, King would deliver one of the most iconic speeches in American history—“I Have a Dream.”

The church’s legacy also attracted the attention of then-Governor Bill Clinton, who spoke at its 145th anniversary just months before announcing his candidacy for president. Clinton paid tribute to the church for its significant role in shaping post-Jim Crow Arkansas, a future that many members had fought for their entire lives. The church’s history also intersects with the broader struggle for African American advancement, as W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington had debated the future of Black Americans. Washington even spoke at the church on October 16, 1913, the Sunday after the grand opening of the Mosaic Templars of America building.

All of this history can be seen vividly through the various artifacts and pieces of history in First Missionary Baptist Church, a testament to the church’s evolution through the nearly two centuries. The vibrant stained-glass windows not only illuminate the interior but reflect biblical themes and pivotal moments in the church’s legacy, including its active role in the Civil Rights Movement. Items such as photographs from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ‘s 1963 visit, commemorative plaques honoring events like the Little Rock Nine crisis, and the church’s bell—dating back to 1894—highlights how resilient the community truly is. The original pulpit and pews have witnessed nearly 180 years of sermons, struggles, and triumphs, standing as symbols of unwavering faith and community resilience. Each element within the church tells a story of a legacy built on justice, love, and spiritual perseverance, carrying forward the mission laid out by Reverend Wilson Brown in 1845.

These remnants scattered around the church serve as powerful reminders, not only of the church’s legacy but also of the progress made by the Black community in the United States. Some artifacts were created before Black soldiers could enlist to fight for their country, others before the Civil Rights Act of 1965, and still others before the inauguration of Barack Obama, the first Black president of the United States, in 2008. As you walk on the carpet, worn by both the oppressed and the free, the hopeful civil rights fighters and the prestigious university graduates, the church’s four walls seem to expand, encompassing the very spirit of the movement—the alignment of our nation to the true teachings of Christ.

The church’s current pastor, Reverend Cameron Mitchell, a recent graduate of Vanderbilt University, now carries the weight of this dense legacy as the body of Christ. Hubbard says he connects the church’s rich history to modern-day struggles. Through his sermons, the essence of Reverend Mitchell’s ministry echoes the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “I see the church as the body of Christ, and the body of Christ cannot be a tool for oppression. It must be a liberating force.” (A Testament of Hope, 1986).

As the nation grapples with a regression toward bigotry and hate, it is crucial to distinguish between the teachings of a figure like Jesus and the current tense political environment plagued by Machiavellian leaders who declare themselves “God’s chosen instrument to rescue America.” Some even go as far as to claim divine intervention during tragedies where their supporters are killed in the leader’s proximity, but they survive: “I was saved by God to make America great again.”

Through the infinite well of love that extends far beyond the walls of First Missionary,
we find the strength to persist in our own struggles.

In the highly conservative state of Arkansas, which overwhelmingly ranks number 5 out of all 50 states for religiosity, there seems to be a growing cognitive dissonance on the true teachings of the gospel. Those who once preached purity now wholeheartedly support serial adulterers. Churchgoers who can recite Ephesians 4:31-32 by heart now find inspiration in a man who ran an entire campaign promising vengeance against his perceived enemies. In places where the love of one’s neighbor is embedded in religious practice, deep-seated prejudice is often cloaked in the rhetoric of being a vessel for the gospel.

The contradictions and paradoxes of hate seem more pronounced than ever, yet the history of First Missionary Baptist Church reminds us that these paradoxes have long been present. “We’ve seen it all,” says Hubbard. From Baptist minister Major Fields—who “owned” his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ—to the threats of bombings and violence from those who gathered around burning crosses, the fact that a Black church had to be established in the first place due to the segregation of the church itself is a stark reminder that our collective destiny has often been clouded by our irrational humanity.

As we sit alone at night, contemplating the cruelty that has replaced decorum across the country, we might ask: Where do we go from here? Having witnessed both the triumphs and atrocities of the civil rights era, as well as the present-day regressions, Hubbard reflects on the civil rights struggle in the city: “As great as the pain and agony were, the passion and resilience were much stronger.” In this tumultuous moment of American history, we need stories like that of First Missionary Baptist Church—stories of justice, stories of resilience—reminding us of how seemingly impossible victories over hate were somehow achieved. These battles have been fought before, and they have been won.

Through the infinite well of love that extends far beyond the walls of First Missionary, we find the strength to persist in our own struggles. The resilience of this church and its people shows us that even in the darkest times, love and faith can endure, empowering us to continue fighting for a more just and compassionate world.

The church is celebrating its 180th anniversary on April 25, 2025. To celebrate the exhilarating history and future of this church, make a donation to help restoration efforts.

Photography by Ebony Blevins.


  1. “First Missionary Baptist Church at 180 | Legacies & Lunch” – YouTube
  2. New Growth Springs from Old at Historic Black Church – AY Magazine
  3. First Missionary Baptist Church – Little Rock
  4. First Missionary Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas (1845) – BlackPast
  5. $3,500 Grant to Help Little Rock Church Preserve History – Arkansas Online,by%20Martin%20Luther%20King%20Jr.
  6. Mosaic Templars Cultural Center recognizes vital Black churches that survived the test of time – Northwest Arkansas Online
  7. Evangelicals made a Bad Trade – The Atlantic
  8. “I Have Decided to Stick with Love. Hate is Too Great a Burden to Bear.”
  9. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “I see the church as the body of Christ, and the body of Christ cannot be a tool for oppression. It must be a liberating force.” (A Testament of Hope, 1986).
  10. How Religious is Your State? – Pew Research
  11. A special thanks to Renee Hubbard, whose guidance and testaments through our conversation not only cultivated the information of this article, but the essence and of the piece as well.

“My name is MJ Ferguson, and I am studying both African American Studies and Political Science at the University of Arkansas. My passions include writing, research, community service, political activism, and making music! I am a board member for UARK’s Volunteer Action Center, an executive for UARK’s Residents Interhall Congress, a contributing columnist for the Arkansas Traveler, a research assistant manager for UARK’s African American Studies research team (UART), and an upcoming research intern for the University of Michigan’s Summer Research Opportunity Program.” Follow MJ: LinkedIn | Substack | Instagram

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Remembering Governor Jim Guy Tucker Mon, 24 Feb 2025 16:01:36 +0000 When Governor Tucker took office, I was selected to serve as executive director of the Democratic Party of Arkansas. Other people had different ideas, but Governor Tucker made the final decision, and I was chosen. But I’m not writing about me–this is about a phenomenal time in Arkansas history when two shining stars, two political rivals seen as enemies in Arkansas, led our state and our country simultaneously.

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Jim Guy Tucker was born on June 13, 1943, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He served as Arkansas Attorney General (1973–1977), U.S. Congressman (1977–1979), and Lieutenant Governor (1991–1992) before becoming Governor in 1992 following President Bill Clinton’s resignation and winning a full term in 1994 He left office on July 15, 1996. Former Governor Tucker passed away on February 13, 2025, at the age of 81. A detailed look at his life and career can be found here and here. The Jim Guy Tucker Papers are available at the  University of Arkansas Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture.

With the recent death of Governor Jim Guy Tucker,

I’m flooded with memories of a special time in Arkansas.

by Dawne Vandiver

When Governor Tucker took office, I was selected to serve as executive director of the Democratic Party of Arkansas. Other people had different ideas, but Governor Tucker made the final decision and I was chosen. But I’m not writing about me–this is about a phenomenal time in Arkansas history when two shining stars, two political rivals seen as enemies in Arkansas, led our state and our country simultaneously.

Governor Tucker was all business. He surrounded himself with wise business leaders and energetic young progressives. His agenda, inspired by President Jimmy Carter, encouraged economic growth, relief for the poor, and climate protection. Governor Tucker had a plan for Arkansas and it was an exciting time. 

A visionary, as governor he recognized this was the perfect time in history for America to get to know the Natural State. His agenda was powerful. There was an Arkansan in the oval office. Could the scene have been set any better? 

President William J. Clinton meeting with Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker in the Oval Office
of the White House, October 6, 1993. Photograph by Robert McNeely, National Archives.

Then came the surprise, something completely foreign to us at the time: Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr. What followed was a conviction, a resignation, an attempt to not resign, and finally, a change in the regime. We were in shock and did not know how to handle this new reality.

Hard days followed, yet Governor Tucker never stopped working. He did not hide in a corner and shy away from public life. He mentored and encouraged candidates, attended events and donated money. He never stopped flashing his million-dollar smile.

I wish I thanked him more for the opportunity of a lifetime. He was my dad’s best friend, the son he never had, really. They were inseparable then and if the truth be known, my Dad was instrumental in convincing Governor Tucker to run for Lt. Governor and not challenge incumbent Governor Bill Clinton, who was eyeing the presidency. 

We are a better Arkansas because Governor Tucker stepped aside to let Clinton run for office. Arkansas was in good hands. Yes, they were rivals, but both were working for the good of Arkansas always.

If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, “If only Jim Guy wasn’t targeted, Arkansas would be different today.” 

I wish with all my heart that I could hear his voice right now. He would explain. He would calm us down. He would remind us that when we are hit the hardest, we fight back. Governor Tucker fought for his life and he lived a long and wonderful one. He loved his wife and children, he loved his friends. Loyalty like his should be duplicated and admired.

Arkansas Governors at the Governor’s Mansion in 1995. Left to right: Dale Bumpers, David Pryor, Jim Guy Tucker,
President William J. Clinton, Frank White, and Sid McMath. Photograph by Sharon Farmer, National Archives.

Would Arkansas be different today? We will never know. What I do know is Governor Tucker fought a good fight. He ran his race and completed his course. Well done, Governor!

Dawne Benafield Vandiver served two different tenures as the executive director of the Democratic Party of Arkansas, was elected Justice of the Peace for District 2 in Pulaski County three times, serving from 2006-2012. Prior to her retirement in 2020, she served on the Arkansas Parole Board for seven years, appointed by Governor Mike Beebe. Dawne resides in Little Rock and enjoys supporting progressive causes  and spending time with her grandchildren.

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Franklin County’s righteous fight Tue, 10 Dec 2024 16:30:52 +0000 In the heart of the River Valley, the sun rises over the tight-knit community of Charleston, Arkansas. For generations, families like the Tedfords have worked this land, their lives intertwined...

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In the heart of the River Valley, the sun rises over the tight-knit community of Charleston, Arkansas. For generations, families like the Tedfords have worked this land, their lives intertwined with its rhythms in a shared understanding between people and place. Kids romp in creeks. Horses graze in pastures. Neighbors greet one another by first name.

Here, their way of life is more than geography. The Franklin County way is community, heritage, and a quiet resilience.

But now, this tranquil corner of the River Valley finds itself at the center of a political storm. Plans to build a 3,000-bed prison on an 815-acre site here have stirred something deep within the community: a determination to protect not just their land but their way of life. Residents who might ordinarily wave from across the way now stand shoulder to shoulder, united in a fight they never asked for but certainly cannot ignore.

Franklin County lies within the Arkansas River Valley. Photo by  Mike Keckhaver.

A Plan Shrouded in Secrecy

The state’s decision to purchase land for the prison blindsided the people of Charleston, a small town of about 2500 people. Announced on a local radio station in late October, residents were shocked to learn the deal had been in the works for months, with no input from the people who would live in its shadow. By the time the public learned of the prison build, nearly $3 million in state money had already been spent to purchase the land. The wheels of big government were in motion.

Residents quickly organized in response. At a contentious town hall meeting, locals voiced their concerns to state officials they had invited to join. Among them was Charleston resident Jonathan Tedford, whose home sits adjacent to the proposed site. “At the very least, we have a prison we have to look at every day,” Tedford said after a recent legislative hearing. He spoke of his grandfather’s legacy, of land passed down through generations now threatened by a specter of towering fences and razor wire.

Other residents of Charleston have echoed his frustration. “A formal public hearing should have been held before the state committed millions of dollars to a project in Franklin County,” said resident Rosemary Underwood during the packed town hall in the town’s high school gym. The lack of transparency stings for folks in Charleston— not just because of what was done but because of how it was done— without the respect of local consultation or the dignity of inclusion. The state’s maneuvering was not the Franklin County way.

A United Franklin County Front

In response, the community rallied and formed the Franklin County and River Valley Coalition, which actively organizes on Facebook and other social media platforms. These neighbors, once bound by simple proximity, are now united by relentless purpose. They’ve held meetings, launched fundraising campaigns, and presented their case to state lawmakers. They’ve raised questions about the prison’s cost—estimated to balloon far beyond initial projections—and its environmental and economic impact on their community.

“This is one of the most un-American things I have heard since I’ve been down here,” said Sen. Gary Stubblefield, who represents the town in the state senate. Like many residents, Stubblefield expressed frustration over being excluded from the process. “The people of Franklin County, including myself, were cut out from even knowing about something this large happening in our county.”

But it’s clear this fight is about more than money or logistics. It’s about preserving the sanctity of place. Residents worry about what the prison represents: a departure from the values that define them. Hard work, family, faith, and community— they’re the threads that weave together the fabric of Franklin County, and its people are determined to keep them from unraveling.

The Power of People

There’s poetry in the way this small town has come together, a reminder of what it means to belong to a place and to one another. “We’ve been denied a voice,” said coalition member Natalie Cadena during her presentation to the Senate Children and Youth Committee. Through their determination, the people of Franklin County are reclaiming that voice, speaking up not just for themselves but for the values they hold dear.

From quiet conversations in living rooms to impassioned speeches in town halls, Franklin County is demonstrating the power of unity. “If it can happen to us, it can happen anywhere,” reads one coalition message on social media. The people of Franklin County aren’t just fighting against a prison—they’re standing for transparency, accountability, and the right to shape their own future.

A Shared Dream

Though the prison outcome is uncertain, one thing is clear: the people of Franklin County have already won something significant. They’ve reminded Arkansans that even in the face of top-down decisions and bureaucratic indifference, a united community is a force to be reckoned with.

If you believe in the power of community and the right to have a voice in decisions that shape our lives, stand with the people of Franklin County. As the sun sets over Mill Creek Mountain, the shadows grow longer, but so too does the resolve of the people who call this place home. They are Arkansas Strong. Tough, resilient, and deeply rooted.

And they remind us that no matter how steep the climb, there is power in standing together.

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Entrepreneurs transforming the American economy Mon, 09 Sep 2024 14:35:12 +0000 Hispanic business owners are leading a wave of innovation and growth, transforming the American economy with expanding government support. The American dream of small business ownership is embraced by people...

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Hispanic business owners are leading a wave of innovation and growth, transforming the American economy with expanding government support.

The American dream of small business ownership is embraced by people of all cultures and heritages.  As a Hispanic small business owner, I can attest to the challenges faced by small businesses. In my role, I am devoted to ensuring that small business owners and entrepreneurs have the tools they need to succeed. I have encountered many entrepreneurs whose journeys reflect my own.

The Hispanic community is one of the most entrepreneurial spirited groups in the nation. It lives in the dreams of those who have only just arrived here and in the legacy of families who have been here for centuries. 

The Biden-Harris administration and U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman are committed to the success of Latino communities. More Hispanic individuals than ever before are seizing the opportunity to create new businesses which improve their cities and neighborhoods.

Contributions of Hispanic Entrepreneurs

Over the last 44 months, the US has seen the fastest creation rate of Hispanic businesses in over a decade, which was more than 20 percent faster than pre-pandemic levels.

Data shows that five million Hispanic-owned businesses contribute $800 billion each year to our economy. In the past decade, Hispanic entrepreneur growth rates have risen 10 times faster than non-Hispanic business rates. Guzman, the highest-ranking Latino woman in the President’s Cabinet, has made strengthening our Hispanic-owned small businesses a priority.

Record Growth for Hispanic-Owned Businesses

Over the last 44 months we have seen the fastest creation rate of Hispanic-owned businesses in over a decade, which was more than 20 percent faster than pre-pandemic levels. The Biden-Harris administration has also made a goal of increasing by 50 percent the amount of federal contracting dollars going to small, disadvantaged businesses by 2025—which would translate to an additional $100 billion for minority-owned and other underserved businesses. 

Commitment to Success 

SBA is committed to empowering Hispanic businesses as they continue to break down barriers and achieve success in business. As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, let us not only recognize the contributions of Hispanic entrepreneurs but also uplift the next generation of business leaders and build a prosperous business landscape for all. 

For more information about SBA’s programs and services visit

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Travels through the Arkansas delta Fri, 30 Aug 2024 19:43:24 +0000 Sharing the untold stories of rural Arkansas. I grew up here in The Natural State. From my earliest memories cruising in my pawpaw’s classic red and white Ford past cow...

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Sharing the untold stories of rural Arkansas.

I grew up here in The Natural State. From my earliest memories cruising in my pawpaw’s classic red and white Ford past cow pastures and waving neighbors to my college years on the hill in Fayetteville and my more recent professional journey through the Delta and other regions, I remain in awe of the way Arkansans take red dirt and make just about anything you can imagine. However, my unique place in our history and society compels me to recognize our complex shared history. No state is perfect, not even the only state (place in the world) where a woman off the street can dig for diamonds, call the Hogs with a rowdy crowd, and shop at one of the most globalized companies all in the same day!

Traveling through two historic counties, Ouachita and Phillips, I heard Arkansans share their stories. I heard about what makes residents proud and learned what rips up their souls. Join us as we journey and search for a deeper understanding of life in rural Arkansas.

On Ouachita and Phillips Counties

Both Ouachita and Phillips counties played crucial roles in making Arkansas the state it is today. Ouachita County, a southern Arkansas gem, boasts a history that stretches back to its establishment in 1842. Its county seat, Camden, was once a Spanish outpost in 1782 before being renamed by American settlers. Today, it stands as a testament to the resilience and innovation of its people, producing influential politicians and cutting-edge defense technology. As described on its website, Camden is a thriving community deeply rooted in agriculture and industry.

Phillips County, situated in the eastern part of the state along the Mississippi River, has been a crucial site in the history of Arkansas as an essential port for hardwood and cotton. Many of us remember Elaine and surrounding areas as sites of racial violence and redemption—namely, the Elaine Race Massacre and, now, the burgeoning grassroots political movements. Music, storytelling, and nearly two dozen National Register of Historic Places represent parts of the county that tell the tale better than more lucrative exports. The county seat, Helena-West Helena, has earned its place as a political hotspot in the Arkansas Delta over the past few years. 

Highlighting Community and Culture

Families are the backbone of any community. During our journey, we explored the rich tapestry of personal stories that comprise the fabric of Ouachita and Phillips counties. From tales of ancestors who fought for civil rights to modern-day struggles and triumphs, these stories provide an understanding of the community’s identity and resilience. 

The local culture of Ouachita and Phillips Counties is a source of immense pride for its residents. Shaped by generations, its unique character should be celebrated. Our project will do just that by highlighting cultural aspects and high points that residents point out as vibrant examples of the place they call home. These high points foster a sense of pride and belonging among residents and showcase the vibrancy of rural Arkansas

Arkansas has always been a rural state. After my travels, “rural” has a whole new meaning to me. Growing up in rural Southwest Arkansas, I know what it’s like to feel like your home isn’t getting its fair share. I believe uplifting rural voices is not just important, but essential.

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Power to the people Tue, 30 Jul 2024 21:43:23 +0000 Preserving Arkansas’ Legacy of Direct Democracy Democracy has always been one of the core values of our country and we have sought to defend it at every turn. Here in...

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Preserving Arkansas’ Legacy of Direct Democracy

Democracy has always been one of the core values of our country and we have sought to defend it at every turn. Here in Arkansas, we are in a unique position. There are less than twenty states in the entire country that offer direct democracy through ballot initiatives and measures that put power in the hands of the citizens. This power granted to the people truly embodies our state’s motto, regnat populus – the people rule. Despite that, we’re not strangers to attacks on this process. In 2022, Arkansas’ ballot initiative process was put up for a vote; Arkansans overwhelmingly showed up to protect it and rejected an extreme legislature’s attempts to limit it. Here are the main reasons why we should continue to do so:

Encouraging Engagement in Local Elections

Direct democracy empowers Arkansans to have a say in their government. When Arkansans have the power to put issues on the ballot, it gives them a sense of control. This control not only encourages them to be active participants in elections, but also incentivizes them to encourage other people to participate. Active participation in the electorate is crucial for a healthy democracy. In Arkansas, where voter turnout has historically been low, direct democracy can encourage people to get involved and express civic responsibility.

Evolving Legislation

Arkansas is and always will be evolving. Direct democracy allows for our legislation to evolve along with the state. Additionally, when citizens put legislation on the ballot, this is a direct reflection of what the citizens of Arkansas need. This system ensures that the laws and policies reflect the will of the people more accurately and can be adjusted towards the varying needs of different regions of the state.

Empowerment of Rural Communities

In Arkansas we have many rural and small-town communities that often feel disconnected from our legislature and those at the Capitol. Our ballot initiative process provides these communities with a greater voice in Arkansas’ political landscape. Local initiatives and referendums allow smaller communities to address issues that are directly relevant to them, rather than relying on distant representatives who may not fully understand their unique circumstances.

The Purest Form of Democracy

Ultimately, direct democracy is one of the purest forms of democracy we have in Arkansas because it truly represents the will of the people. It’s built on the idea that democracy is not just going out to vote in elections, it’s about being an active participant in your government. For Arkansas, direct democracy aligns well with the values of local empowerment and collective decision-making.

In Arkansas, direct democracy represents an opportunity to encourage engagement, create legislation that represents the needs of our citizens, and give rural communities a larger voice in our government. By embracing direct democracy, Arkansas can practice a healthy democracy and get back to our state’s motto, regnat populus.

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The search for compassionate care Thu, 16 May 2024 15:09:49 +0000 My journey from miscarriage to motherhood. I have two beautiful children, but my path to motherhood was not easy. Like many Arkansans, we needed the help of a fertility specialist...

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My journey from miscarriage to motherhood.

I have two beautiful children, but my path to motherhood was not easy.

Like many Arkansans, we needed the help of a fertility specialist to get pregnant. When I got my first positive pregnancy test, I was so excited!

But my hopes were dashed a short while later when I learned through bloodwork that the pregnancy was not viable. There was nothing we could do but wait for my body to start to miscarry naturally. 

Those weeks of waiting were difficult.

My pastor came over, and we sat in our living room and prayed together.

We cried and asked God to be near to us in our pain.

I was swimming in grief, desperate to try again. I eventually started bleeding.

Later, after several attempts, I finally had a viable pregnancy that ended in the birth of my now 7 year-old son. 

When it was time to add another child to our family, I went into the process with a much more guarded heart. I knew another loss was possible, but I was not prepared for what came next.

Not once, but twice, I got pregnant. Not once, but twice, I went in for my first ultrasound, only to see an empty sack on the screen. Not once but twice, I heard nothing but silence as the tech scanned over and over again for a heartbeat. Not once but twice, I was experiencing a non-viable pregnancy.

Each time, my doctor explained the options: wait for my body to miscarry naturally, take a medication to cause my body to expel the non-pregnancy, or have a surgical procedure called a d&c.

I knew how the waiting felt, and it was awful.

I was also afraid of the medication causing a painful miscarriage that I would have to manage at home alone.

So, after talking things over with my doctor, my spouse, and my pastor, I elected to have the d&c procedure both times.

Not once but twice, I woke up in the recovery room and cried onto the shoulder of a loving nurse who soothed my battered and broken heart. When I finally held my daughter in my arms 18 months later, I cried tears of joy. 

Today in Arkansas, doctors have to jump through many hoops to offer women in my shoes the medical care I received. Right now, our state has a near-total abortion ban. There are no exceptions for rape, incest, or fatal fetal abnormalities.

Abortion-related and abortion-adjacent procedures are under extreme scrutiny. While the procedure I had was not an abortion, the medical code contains the word “abortion.” As a result, doctors are spending precious time–time they could be treating other patients–meticulously defending their plan of care for women like me, and asking multiple physicians to sign off on their actions. 

These extra steps are not because the care I received is dangerous, controversial or unethical. These extra steps are to keep medical providers from going to prison or losing their medical licenses and being unable to treat patients at all. As a result, what used to be a non-controversial procedure for women experiencing pregnancy loss has become complicated and high-stakes. 

I want my doctor to be free to focus fully on my healthcare needs and the needs of other women like me facing pregnancy loss. I don’t want their judgment impaired with worry about how a judge or team of lawyers with no medical training will interpret their actions. But since doctors’ primary objective is to treat patients, not fight legal battles, their options are limited.

It pains me to know that in a time of immense pain, a provider can’t be wholly focused on their grieving patient, and must also worry about defending their treatment plan to outside parties. 

I am glad I had the option to surgically end my non-viable pregnancies without unnecessary red tape. The procedure allowed me the space to recover and heal, without worrying for weeks about when my miscarriages would start.

The compassionate healthcare I received helped me recover faster, and enabled me to hold my baby girl in my arms more quickly. I want other grieving women to have easy access to that closure, too. 

The current total abortion ban puts politicians between patients and their doctors. When I got devastating news in the ultrasound room–twice–our state’s legislators were not the ones holding my hand and handing me tissues. My healthcare providers and my pastor were. Healthcare providers need the freedom to offer patients expedient options in a tough situation like mine. They need the freedom to rely on their years of medical training and expertise, without worrying about a distant third party calling their care plan into question. They need the freedom to support their patients as they build families in life-giving ways. 

Every pregnancy deserves to be welcomed with tears of joy. Unfortunately, some pregnancies are met with tears of pain and sorrow instead. In those heart-breaking situations, Arkansas women and their doctors deserve access to a range of medical treatment options. We need to trust our doctors and their pregnant patients to make compassionate, loving, and wise choices in difficult times. By taking healthcare decisions out of the courtroom and putting them back where they belong–in the exam room and in the living room–patients and their doctors can work together to assess their particular circumstances, weigh the risks, and make the best of a bad situation. 

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