We are all part of the great story that is unfolding in Arkansas— a story of hope, unity, and strength. Join our Arkansas Voices Young Writers contest and add your voice to the story of Arkansas. What do you think makes Arkansas Strong? We want to hear your story!

Who: Any Arkansas student in grades 10-12 this current school year, 2021-2022, may participate in the contest
What: Write an approximately 500-word essay that answers the question “What Makes Arkansas Strong?”
When: Deadline is June 1, 2022
Where: Send as a Word document via email to contest@arstrong.org
Why: We want to hear what you consider strengths of our state, so we can celebrate those things and promote your unique voice
How: By publishing your essay on our website, www.arstrong.org, as well as honoring the state’s finest student writing with cash awards:
Grand Prize: $1000
Second Place: $500
Third Place: $250
Arkansas Strong is here to tell the stories of our people— those who believe in our shared values and those fighting for a stronger Arkansas. We talk about issues we’re facing in our communities and our state, whether it’s the worries that keep us up at night or the futures we dream for our children. We elevate the stories of everyday Arkansas heroes and celebrate the values that make our state special. We are more alike as Arkansans than we are different. Arkansas Strong is here to champion our state, our people, and our values.
What We Do
- Inform Arkansans on issues that impact their lives
- Celebrate the stories of all our people
- Empower Arkansans to band together and fight for a stronger state
- Amplify the messages of partner organizations working to advance a better Arkansas
We Celebrate The Strength of Arkansas
Arkansas Strong is here to tell the stories of our people— those who believe in our shared values and those fighting for a stronger Arkansas. We talk about issues we’re facing in our communities and our state, whether it’s the worries that keep us up at night or the futures we dream for our children. We elevate the stories of everyday Arkansas heroes and celebrate the values that make our state special. We are more alike as Arkansans than we are different. Arkansas Strong is here to champion our state, our people, and our values.
What We Do
- Inform Arkansans on issues that impact their lives
- Celebrate the stories of all our people
- Empower Arkansans to band together and fight for a stronger state
- Amplify the messages of partner organizations working to advance a better Arkansas